Sunday, May 11, 2014

124. The Calmer Waters of Venice

In my last blog I took you down the busy Grande Canal - the life-line of Venice - but there is another lot of canals - at least 150 plus - that reflect a calmer side of the city. These water-ways are all inter-connected with each other and provide water-vehicular access to the main canal. These are the Venice 'streets' for the residents and the business operators ... 

Here are a few images of the pretty pictures that present themselves as you wander along the narrow footpaths that weave throughout the city and cross over the canals on quaint bridges ... 

And then of course there are those pesky tourists who prefer to sit in a gondola and be rowed throughout the city rather than exploring on foot ... 


So that's the waterways of Venice - all very scenic and gorgeous - and a little bit smelly in places the further you get away from the larger canals ... !!! ... next I'll mingle with the hordes of noisy tourists that swamp the city and visit some of the famous landmarks of Venetian history ...

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